Awards Celebration & Conference

Diamond Legacy Award



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Size  1 Time 2 Times 4 Times 8 Times
1 Page $5,145 $4,950 $4,785 $4,270
2/3 Page $4,120 $3,950 $3,830 $3,415
1/2 Page $3,500 $3,360 $3,255 $2,900
1/3 Page $2,420 $2,320 $2,250 $2,005
1/4 Page $1,800 $1,730 $1,675 $1,495
1/6 Page $1,440 $1,385 $1,340 $1,200
1/8 Page $ 675 $ 650 $ 625 $ 600

Color Charges

4-color process per each fractional or full-page advertisement $975
4-color process per two-page spread $1,800
Each additional color (process match) $ 450
Each additional color (PMS match) $ 650

Premium Position Charges

Position 1 Time 2 Times 4 Times
Inside front cover (cover 2) $7,970 $7,650 $7,410
Inside back cover (cover 3) $6,840 $6,565 $6,360
Back cover (cover 4) $9,000 $8,640 $8,370

Including 4-color process
Premium positions are sold on a first-come, first-served basis, with preference to continuous contract advertisers.

Sizes and Requirements
Trim size is 8-1/8" wide by 10-7/8" deep)

Size Format/download template
1 Page Standard/download with bleed - without bleed
2/3 Page Vertical/download
1/2 Page Island/download
1/2 Page Horizontal/download
1/3 Page Square/download
1/3 Page Vertical/download
1/4 Page /download/download
1/6 Page Vertical/download
1/6 Page Horizontal/download
1/8 Page /download

Bleed Sizes
The image required for bleed trim

Size Width Depth Trim
Full Bleed Page  8.75" 11.125" 85" x 10.875"
Full Bleed Spread 17.25 11.125 17"x10.875"

Mechanical Requirements
Trim size is 8-1/8" wide by 10-7/8" deep.
Printing process: Web offset. Specifications for Web Offset Publications (SWOP) apply.
Binding: Saddle-stitched.
Paper stock: Coated.
Acceptable materials: High-resolution/press quality digital files on disk or sent via e-mail preferred.
Digital files must be a 4-color process (CMYK); no PMS or spot colors. Files submitted can be in PDF, tiff, or EPS format.
The safety margin for live matter in bleed ads is 3/8" from the trim on all sides.
Production services are available at additional cost.



  • The frequency level is based on the number of insertions run in a contract year of 12 consecutive months.
  • If within 12 months more or fewer insertions are used than specified, rates will be rebated or short-rated accordingly.
  • Two-page spreads count as two insertions toward earned frequency rates. All other ads, regardless of size, count as one insertion.


  • Standard 15% commission on space and color to recognized agencies provided that payment is received within terms of sale.
  • Production and mechanical charges are billed net and are not commissionable.


  • Payment for advertising is due upon receipt of the invoice following publication.
  • No cash discount.
  • Publisher reserves the right to hold advertiser and/or its agency jointly and severally liable for all monies due and payable.
  • In submitting an advertising order, the advertiser agrees to pay all costs of collection, including reasonable attorney fees and other fees related to default of payment.
  • A 1-1/2% per month service charge will be added to all accounts past 30 days due.

Contract and Copy Regulations

  • Signed insertion order or advertising space contract required prior to publication. Verbal orders are not accepted.
  • All advertising is subject to the publisher's approval.
  • Publisher reserves the right to reject advertising for any reason whatsoever, without notice or explanation, including that which is not in keeping with the publication's standards.
  • Advertiser and agency agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the publisher from any and all liability for the content of advertisements published.
  • The publisher's liability is limited to the cost of an advertisement, and such liability is limited to space in future issues.
  • Advertisements are accepted and published on the representation that both the advertiser and the agency are authorized to publish the entire content and subject matter thereof.
  • Insertion of advertising made by the agency or advertiser represents an acceptance by both the agency and the advertiser of all the terms and conditions of the rate card.
  • All agreements are subject to strikes, accidents, fires, acts of God, or other contingencies beyond the publisher's control.

Awards Celebration & Conference

Diamond Legacy Award


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1135 Kildaire Road
Suite 200
Cary, NC 27511

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