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Diamond Legacy Award



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Award-Winning Women in Film Create Commercial Spot to Celebrate Super Amazing Princess Heroes & the Girls They Inspire

LOS ANGELES, Calif. – September 12, 2016 – Little girls love princesses, but what happens when you ask them what princesses actually do? Better yet, what happens when you combine princess and superheroes together? Director Lena Khan, producer Megha Kadakia, music composer Lisa Liu, and editor Carol Carimi Acutt explore just that and more in a new Super Amazing Princess Heroes (SAPH) commercial spot that inspires girls to be tomorrow’s heroes. Tou...

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Women Presidents' Organization launches New Chapter in New Brunswick Atlantic Canada

New York, NY (September 21, 2016) -- The Women Presidents’ Organization (WPO), an international peer advisory group for million-dollar plus women-led companies, is launching a new chapter in New Brunswick, Atlantic Canada. A kick-off event, hosted by WPO corporate sponsor BMO, will be held on September 26th, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at the BMO Main Branch, 505 King Street, Fredericton. Dr. Marsha Firestone, WPO President and Founder, will attend. “At BMO,...

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New Firm Formation Picking Up in the US, Led by Women

One of lingering negative after effects of the 2007-2009 recession has been sluggish business start-up rates - except, of course, among women-owned businesses. (See our 2015 and 2016 State of Women-Owned Businesses reports, underwritten by American Express OPEN.) Now, a recent analysis from the as found that start-up rates are picking up again, and are continuing to be led by women-owned firms. The 2016 Kauffman Index of Startup Activity, publish...

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Awards Celebration & Conference

Diamond Legacy Award


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