“You’re going to walk into many rooms in your life and career where you may be the only one who looks like you or who has had the experiences you’ve had. But you remember that when you are in those rooms, you are not alone. We are all in that room with you applauding you on. Cheering your voice. And just so proud of you. So, you use that voice and be strong.”
- Kamala Devi Harris, U.S. Vice President
Hello Friends and Colleagues:
I began with a quote from U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris since her background mirrors my own. Harris is a person of mixed race and heritage. Her father is Black and her mother is Asian Indian. I, too, am an American of mixed heritage--part-Filipina and part-Asian Indian. I am proud of my background and heritage. And I am also proud to be a woman. Being a diverse woman has broadened my perspectives as I serve as National Director of Corporate Affairs/Constituent Relations at Walmart.
As many of you may know, March is a time to recognize women's contributions throughout the world fully. Scores of women remain on the front lines in our ongoing fight against COVID-19, with several million leaving their professional careers to serve as primary caregivers for older adults and children who continue to shelter at home during this pandemic. As we look ahead to a more vibrant and promising future, this month remains a time of hope, resilience, and opportunity.
Here at Walmart, we are proud of our initiatives focusing on racial equity that includes advancing diverse women and ensuring that frontline workers and the most vulnerable in our country have access to affordable healthcare options.
Here is how Walmart is purposeful and intentional in our work.
Walmart Sr. Director of Health & Wellness, Dr. Lisa Smith, keeps our associates and customers informed on the latest information about the availability of COVID-19 vaccines. For more than a year, Walmart has been working closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Health and Human Services (HHS) to prepare for a vaccine rollout. Currently, more than 5,000 Walmart and Sam’s Club locations are operationally and clinically assisting with vaccinations within our facilities or community events.
Women-owned businesses are showing resilience and new-found strength as we look ahead beyond COVID-19. Over the past seven years, Walmart has purchased more than $30 billion with women-owned businesses. During our recent Open Call for U.S. manufactured goods and services, our procurement team selected Amboseli Foods, a Black and woman-owned food company in Utah, to offer its products at select Walmart stores.
Diverse women are not only creating companies, but they are also creating new jobs. And we are excited to play a role in supporting these enterprising women entrepreneurs.
Women continue harmonizing their lives but may need help. With more multigenerational households, Walmart wants to make it easier for women and their families to access the information they may need to keep their loved ones healthy and well. Walmart now has Mobile Wellness units that are traveling around the country to help our customers stay healthy. Our goal is to visit 150 stores and offer 900 wellness experiences.
Walmart and I want to celebrate women from every corner of our country and the world. As we are witnessing in the U.S., women are changing history and taking charge of our future. Through President Joseph Biden and VP Harris's allyship, 12 women were appointed to senior posts within the Administration. Eight of these appointments are diverse women. And some of these women now hold posts that were once held only by men. Furthermore, the 117th Congress has more women than ever before, and there are even more women in statehouses and major national and regional nonprofit organizations.
In closing, Walmart and I remain fully committed to elevating conversations that advance racial equity and diverse women. Thank you for your allyship and partnership.
Take time to celebrate the bold and inspiring women in your life!
Joanne Tabellija-Murphy
Director, Public Affairs – Constituent Relations
Walmart | Corporate Affairs
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