Awards Celebration & Conference

Diamond Legacy Award



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Nicholls, Marlene Morrison

Marlene Morrison Nicholls has built a solid track record of success over 40 years in the insurance industry.  During this period she has earned an enviable reputation for her ‘caring manner’ and ‘no non-sense’ approach to  business. Marlene is a passionate advocate for her clients and community. As most know, she truly values  relationships and will not take ‘no’ for an answer easily when it comes to a client need.  

Her formal career in the insurance industry began upon graduating from Conestoga College, joining her father’s  insurance brokerage in 1976. Marlene has continued to advance in every aspect of her industry and business,  and as a life long learner, completed the Ivey Executive Program at Ivey Business School, Western University. 

Accomplished in most facets of the insurance profession, she holds a Registered Insurance Brokers license with  Unrestricted, Designated Individual status, Life Insurance license, Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP) desig nation from the Insurance Institute of Canada and Canadian Accredited Insurance Broker (CAIB) designation  from the Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario. She is a member in good standing of the Registered Insur ance Brokers of Ontario, the Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario, the Insurance Institute of Canada, the  Financial Advisors Association of Canada (Advocis), and the Independent Financial Brokers (IFB). 

She has been recognized as Lindsay’s Business Leader of the Year, the recipient of the Extraordinary Women of  Kawartha Lakes Award as well as being named one of Canada’s Insurance Industry Most Inspiring Female Lead ers in 2020 to name a few.  

Throughout her career she has supported a number of cultural, social, and professional organizations. Marlene  previously served as the Chair of the Lindsay & District Chamber of Commerce and past Vice Chair of the Kawar tha Health Care Initiative (responsible for Doctor recruitment and retention), on the Executive Committee for  the Rotary Club of Lindsay, a founding member and Board member of the Community Foundation of Kawartha  Lakes, and is an active member of all the Chambers of Commerce in the communities that she serves. Her  personal volunteer commitments and business sponsorship of community events and causes are significant.  

In her capacity as President & CEO of Stewart Morrison Insurance, Marlene is committed to lead by example,  encouraging professional development, mentoring staff and business associates; she is deter mined when it  comes to company growth, including locations, volumes, and services and is trusted by her insuring partners. She  ‘walks the walk’, embracing challenges and change and is unwavering in her commitment.  

Her company has been honoured with the Excellence in Customer Service Award, the Marketing & Media Excel lence Award and the Design Excellence Award.  

She attributes her success, however to a very supportive family, and caring, professional staff who demonstrate  dedication to the clients and communities that we serve.

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Awards Celebration & Conference

Diamond Legacy Award


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1135 Kildaire Road
Suite 200
Cary, NC 27511

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