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Women's Forum Mexico 2016 to focus on co-creando junt@s/co-creating together 27-28 April 2016, Mexico City

  Mexico City, 22 February  – Over the last decade, Mexico has enjoyed constant and stable growth. Yet women, who represent 51.2% of the population, have remained an untapped resource for creation and development at all levels of the Mexican economy and society. A group of women leaders has decided it is time to gather all actors, including men, from every sector and internationally, to create together a new way for women to participate in and contribute to the economy and politics.

  The platform for this “co-creando junt@s/co-creating together” will be the first edition of Women’s Forum Mexico, to be held on 27-28 April 2016 at the Hyatt Regency Polanco in Mexico City. 

  This event, produced by the Paris-based Women’s Forum for the Economy & Society, is expected to attract more than 500 participants from North and Latin America, Europe and the Caribbean. The meeting will emphasize leadership for women’s economic empowerment and the necessity to involve everyone in the process of creating new collaborative social and economic opportunities. 

  Among the speakers confirmed for Women’s Forum Mexico are Maria Teresa Arnal, CEO, J. Walter Thompson Company; Sabina Berman Goldberg, playwright, film and theater director and television host Mexico; Alejandro Cardoso, Publicis Latin America President; Altaír Jarabo García, actress and entrepreneur; Mayra González, Vice President, Marketing and Sales, Nissan Mexicana; Angella Nazarian, author and Co-Founder & President, Visionary Women; Rosario Perez, former President and CEO, Pro Mujer; Carlos Slim Helu, Chairman Grupo Carso and América Móvil; Elizabeth Vasquez, WEConnect International President; and Melanne Verveer, Executive Director of the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, Georgetown University. Top media leaders will also participate, including Laura Manzo Aguilar, Editor in Chief, Quien; Alberto Bello, Editorial Director for Business Media, Grupo Expansión; El Financiero columnist Carlos Mota; Excelsior columnist Alicia Salgado and Ana Maria Salazar Slack, Host And Producer, Imagen News, Seguridad Total.

  Realizing the necessity of bringing men as well as women leaders into the frame, Women’s Forum Mexico 2016 will launch CEO Champions in the country. CEO Champions was created in 2010 to drive progress and accountability for women’s advancement in the private and public sectors. Women’s Forum Mexico will also present the Rising Talents initiative for talented women leaders under 40 years of age from business and the social sector, and will feature three “Amazing Women” who have demonstrated their ability to take risks and who act as catalysts in their organizations and communities.

  “As we head into the second decade of our existence, the Women’s Forum for the Economy & Society will play an increasingly vital role worldwide as a focal point for women’s voices”, notes Jacqueline Franjou, CEO of the Women’s Forum for the Economy & Society. “I am looking forward to Women’s Forum Mexico as an essential step in this process for the country and for our community.” 

  The Women’s Forum for the Economy & Society will host several conferences in 2016: Dubai (23-24 February); Mauritius (20-21 June); and the Women’s Forum Global Meeting in Deauville, France (November 30 – 2 December).

Click here for media registration for Women’s Forum Mexico:

Press Contact in Mexico: ALCHEMIA Selene Miranda - / + 52 55 5292 5083 / + 52 1 55 2699 1038 

Press Contact in the United States: Jean-Christian Agid - / +1 (917) 349 8361

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